CarniDigest Magen-Darm-Pulver
Schützt, Regeneriert, Entgiftet den Verdauungstrakt
- Glutenfreie Beta-Glucane schützen die empfindlichen Schleimhäute
- Heilerden zur effektiven Bindung und Ausleitung von Giften
- Schutz und Aufbau einer gesunden Darmflora durch Präbiotika
- Rotalge puffert überschüssige Magensäure ab
This product offers other products in a discounted bundle! Benefit from the curated combinations and discounts!
- wirkt schon nach der ersten Gabe
- Allergiker geeignet
- unterstützend bei Medikamentengabe

- Normalization of digestive processes
- Protection and regeneration of the sensitive gastric mucosa
- Strengthening of the immune system
- Elimination of toxins
- Establishment of healthy intestinal flora (prebiotic)
The food supplement for a sustainably stable and healthy digestion for your dog or puppies!
Not only diarrhoea or soft faeces are signs of disturbed digestion. Flatulence, frequent grass-eating, restlessness, increased smacking / licking after eating, reluctance to move, loss of appetite, recurring diarrhoea, frequent vomiting... All these are often indicators of stomach and digestive problems in your dog.
- protects and soothes the sensitive stomach
- strengthens the immune system
- normalises digestive processes throughout the gastrointestinal tract
- promotes healthy gut bacteria (prebiotic)
- also suitable for grain intolerance and allergies
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